July 26, 2024

How to increase the profitability of your parking lot by installing electric car charging stations

Car charging stations Powy for public administrations, municipalities, ministries, associations


  • Preliminary Considerations
  • Regulatory compliance and requirements 
  • The investment
  • The formula of Powy

The growing interest in electric mobility has caused a boost in investment in the installation of electric car charging stations and columns, including in parking lots. In addition to the considerable positive impact on the environment, charging stations also represent an additional revenue opportunity for operators of such locations, offering a high-value service by attracting a wider and more diverse customer base.

However, several aspects must be considered before proceeding, such as regulatory compliance, evaluating financing strategies and feasibility of the operation, and other basic requirements.

In this article, we at Powy will provide you with all the main tips and aspects that should not be underestimated in order to proceed effectively, safely and without complications with the installation of electric car charging stations for parking lots.

Preliminary Considerations

How much can be gained by installing electric car charging stations in a parking lot

According to Global Market Insight's market analysis, the business related to electric recharging will increase in value by at least 10 times over the next 8 years. While the market was worth $11 billion in 2021, it will be worth about $119 billion in 2030, with a compound annual growth rate of 27 percent.

In Italy, there are more than 54 thousand charging points installed nationwide, according to Motus-E data from May 2024. Electric charging stations are now prevalent in northern Italy and in large cities, which are more dynamic in terms of electric mobility. Total capillarity is therefore still lacking, as well as a greater presence in strategic points such as highways.

The rapid depletion of recent incentives for the purchase of electric cars testifies to a rapidly increasing demand from Italian citizens for electric vehicles. Installing electric car charging stations in parking lots means listening to the needs of tens of thousands of current users and anticipating the needs of the future, as well as doing one's part for a more sustainable future.

Accurately quantifying the gains from installing a charging station in a given space is not easy, as there are many variables involved.

Before proceeding with installation, it is crucial to conduct a detailed site analysis, including assessing the existing energy capacity of the parking lot and identifying possible infrastructure challenges. Proper planning at this stage can prevent future issues and ensure an efficient installation.

In order to maximize efficiency, it is essential to evaluate the parking layout and optimize the distribution of the columns so that they are accessible and convenient for users. Embracing this technology requires a thorough understanding of its components, careful analysis of station placement, and strategic energy management.

The adoption of advanced technologies and high-quality materials is critical to the efficiency of charging stations. Choosing technologies that support fast charging and are compatible with a wide range of electric vehicles is essential, but so is the use of suitable materials and hardware: for example, a charging post installed outdoors will need to have greater weather resistance.

Companies such as Powy provide partners with a clear and comprehensive overview of the possible scenarios resulting from offering a charging service, supporting them in choosing the best technical and strategic solutions.

Regulatory compliance and requirements 

At the regulatory level, the reference to keep in mind in the context of the installation of charging stations for electric cars in parking lots is the Ministerial Decree of August 3, 2017 , by which the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport identified and declared the documentation and certificates required to build charging infrastructure for electric vehicles.

An important reference to note is also the November 5, 2018 Circular of the Fire Department, a text that contains a set of rules to be followed when installing charging stations in garages or parking lots, with specific guidance for electric car charging devices.

In garages, for example, there must be fire extinguishers suitable for use on live electrical equipment or appliances. These should be placed in a marked, safe, and easily accessible location. A sign indicating the presence of the charging station should be used near the parking space(s).

Moving to less regulatory and more discretionary aspects, integrating intelligent energy management systems within a charging station can greatly increase their efficiency.

These systems allow real-time monitoring of column usage and more effective management of energy distribution, tailoring charging to actual needs and grid conditions. If you choose to work with us of Powy, you will not have to worry about this or the bureaucracy: we will take care of everything at no cost to you.

The investment

In order to get a detailed picture regarding the costs and earnings from the installation of an electric car charging station, it will be essential to draw up a business plan and detailed economic and financial statements, taking into account all the specifics and peculiarities of the business.

Of all the cost items, as can be guessed, the hardware chosen (the type of charging station) will carry particular weight: a Fast charging infrastructure will generally have higher costs than a Quick one.

The costs of installing and operating an electric charging station will differ significantly depending on which company you choose to work with: Powy offers a true partnership for owners of public and private parking areas to install electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

We offer the best possible service at no cost to the partner: we invest the necessary capital and complete every step in the design, permitting, installation, and maintenance of the charging stations.

We define each aspect according to the specific characteristics of your facility, the type of service you offer and your clientele, for an optimal result that is open to future developments.

Parking charging stations: the formula for Powy

Deciding where to install electric car charging stations in the area of a parking lot or garage requires detailed planning and precise execution. Here is our modus operandi:

  1. After initial contact with the Powy team and an analysis of your individual needs, we identify a range of solutions and ideas that are best for you, proceeding with a project feasibility assessment with experts Powy. If successful, we will proceed with a site survey.
  2. The next step is for us to send you a fully customized proposal tailored to your needs and requirements.
  3. To continue with the project, we at Powy are committed to applying for all kinds of permits on your behalf, complying with all current regulations.
  4. Then you can proceed with theinstallation. We will ensure that we cause as little disruption as possible, facilitating a quick and unobtrusive installation, leaving you with the columns operational and ready to use in a quick time.
  5. Lastly, we ensure continuous support through a dedicated account manager and 24/7 dedicated user support.


The installation of electric car charging stations in parking lots represents not only a revenue opportunity but also a crucial step toward a more sustainable future. In the context of increasing demand for electric cars, installing a charging infrastructure becomes a strategic element in attracting a diverse and up-to-date customer base.

However, before embarking on this path, it is essential to consider aspects such as regulatory compliance, technical and economic feasibility of the project, as well as the quality of the technologies adopted. Proper planning and a judicious choice of partner can make all the difference, ensuring an efficient and quality installation.

With the assistance of industry-leading companies such as Powy, all phases of the project, from the initial assessment to the ongoing maintenance of the charging stations, can be approached with peace of mind, with no upfront costs for parking operators. Powy not only provides the necessary capital, but also takes care of every bureaucratic and technical detail, allowing partners to focus on the benefits of offering an electric charging service.

Investing in charging stations is not only a profitable business transaction, but a significant contribution to the transition to a more sustainable future. With Powy, you can achieve this goal safely, reliably and worry-free, while being assured of consistent, high-quality support.

Learn how we have helped so many entities electrify their parking areas and contact us if you would like to do the same.

Powy: charge the change.