August 26, 2024

Corporate fleets: the sustainable approach of Powy for your business

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In today's sustainability-driven global scenario, companies are challenged to reduce their environmental impact and promote strategies that aim to limit emissions. In response to these challenges, many companies are seeking innovative solutions to improve their operations.

Corporate fleets, composed of vehicles used for a wide range of activities, play a crucial role in CO2 emissions and other pollutants, especially if not managed efficiently. Opting for sustainable modes of transportation is not only a moral duty, but also a strategic choice capable of bringing tangible benefits to both the environment and the company itself.

As a leader in the field of electric and sustainable mobility, we at Powy offer cutting-edge solutions to support companies in the management and maintenance of their corporate fleets, with efficient and uncomplicated service. Powy accompanies companies through all stages of the transition to a green fleet, reducing environmental impact, optimizing operations and helping to build a positive and responsible corporate reputation.

In this article, we will explore our solutions and the contribution Powy can make as a driver of change, highlighting the benefits and options available for investing in an all-electric corporate fleet.

Why focus on electric corporate fleets?

According to the European Federation for Transport and Environment (T&E), promoting the adoption of electric vehicles in businesses can lead to significant benefits quickly, not only from an environmental perspective. This would also promote the creation of a second-hand market and could stimulate the domestic EV industry.

The electrification of company vehicles represents a real investment for companies, which requires careful evaluation of costs and maintenance activities. Another key aspect relates to vehicle charging: the uneven distribution of public charging infrastructure across the country can be better addressed by companies, which can plan trips more accurately and install charging stations at their premises, such as the fast, ultra-fast, quick and wallbox quick columns signed Powy.

Opting for sustainable corporate fleets also improves a company's image, responding to customers' growing focus on companies committed to environmental protection. In addition, electric fleets allow for tax incentives and reductions in costs related to fuel and maintenance. Thanks to the advanced technology of electric and hybrid vehicles, which ensures high performance and longer life span, the investment is also cost-effective.

Corporate fleets: the trend in Italy and Europe

A recent study by T&E, published June 11, 2024, shows that European businesses, while easily able to switch to electric vehicles, are lagging behind private consumers in this transition for the third year in a row.

According to the study, 60 percent of new car registrations in the EU involve company cars. Businesses, which purchase mainly through leasing or long-term rental, have the opportunity to accelerate the transition to net zero, thanks to frequent vehicle replacement, their high purchasing power compared to individuals, and tax benefits for company cars.

However, in 2023, European businesses recorded a lower percentage of zero-emission vehicle adoption than private consumers, at 14.1 percent versus 15.6 percent. This phenomenon is mainly observed in major European markets, such as France and Germany, while in other nations the situation is more varied.

Battery-powered corporate fleets are therefore a crucial step toward the green transition, the T&E paper highlighted. Since corporate fleets are a major source of emissions from new cars, a switch to electric would be a major boost toward a sustainable future.

Even in Italy, the data are not very encouraging. In 2023, the penetration of electric vehicles in Italian company fleets decreased by 3.5 percent, in contrast to the general trend in the EU-27 (excluding Malta). AlthoughItaly is the third largest car market in Europe, it has one of the lowest adoption rates of electric cars in the company car segment (4.9 percent).

Signature solutions Powy

Charging electric vehicles for corporate fleets requires in-depth knowledge and attention to detail. It is essential to consider the number of vehicles, miles driven, charging power needed, location, and management of charging infrastructure.

Powy offers three different formulas, ideal for every need: Zero Thoughts, Operational Leasing and Owned Infrastructure. The Zero Thinking formula requires no upfront investment, with maintenance and management paid for by us. The Operational Leasing formula provides a 24- to 84-month, fully deductible lease. Finally, the Owned Infrastructure formula allows the company to purchase the technology, leaving the maintenance to Powy .

To learn more about our solutions, visit our website and contact us.


Adopting sustainable corporate fleets is part of a win-win strategy for the enterprise. Relying on Powy for environmentally sustainable transportation solutions can drastically reduce CO2 emissions and improve corporate image, attracting customers and investors.

With a full range of electric vehicles, charging infrastructure and fleet management services, Powy is the ideal partner for companies looking to adopt sustainable practices. With customized solutions and an efficiency and innovation-driven approach, Powy accompanies companies through all stages of the transition process, facilitating the transition to an environmentally sustainable corporate fleet.

Choosing Powy means investing in a sustainable future that benefits the company and the planet. Find out how Powy can transform your corporate fleet.