June 13, 2024

What is the column bonus and how to apply for it  

CPO Powy electric car columns

Table of Contents

  • What is electric column bonus 2024 
  • How to apply for electric column bonus 2024 
  • The benefits of the bonus
  • Bonus timing and deadlines 

In the context of constant and growing environmental awareness and the need to strongly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the transition to electric mobility is gaining more and more importance day by day.  

At this rate, a crucial tool for incentivizing the adoption of electric vehicles is bonuses for the installation of charging stations. In 2024, the Electric Post Bonus is a key pillar of policies to promote sustainability in the transportation sector. But how can businesses apply for it? 

What is electric column bonus 2024 

The Electricity Meter Bonus 2024 is a government initiative introduced by the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security (MASE) for businesses and professionals. It is specifically designed to encourage businesses to invest in electric charging infrastructure, with the aim of reducing emissions while promoting the use of sustainable means of transportation

Thanks to the bonus, it is possible to recover a good portion of investments incurred for the purchase and installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, up to 40 percent of eligible expenses. Currently, eligible expenses incurred after November 4, 2021, related to: 

  • The purchase and installation of charging infrastructure, including the cost of installing charging stations, electrical systems, strictly necessary construction work, and monitoring equipment and devices; 
  • The connection to the power grid (within the maximum limit of 10%); 
  • the costs of design, construction management, safety and testing (up to a maximum of 10 percent). 

To whom is it addressed?

The 2024 electric column bonus is aimed at two types of individuals: 

  • enterprises of any size, operating in all sectors and throughout Italy, meeting the requirements of the regulations; 
  • Professionals who meet the requirements of the regulations. 

How much are the resources for the 2024 electric column bonus?

To date, the resources initially allocated are 87.5 million and divided into different categories according to the value of infrastructure purchase and installation. 

  • 70 million for the purchase and installation of charging infrastructure with a total value of less than 375,000 euros by companies
  • 8 . 75 million for the purchase and installation of charging infrastructure with a total value of 375,000 euros or more by companies
  • 8.75 million for the purchase and installation of charging infrastructure by professionals

How to apply for electric column bonus 2024

It is already possible to proceed with the application for the bonus as of 12 noon last March 15, 2024, for all eligible individuals. But the modalities will be different depending on the total value or depending on the applicant. 

If the application is made for the purchase and installation of charging infrastructure with a total value of less than 375,000 euros by companies, or by professionals who meet the requirements, the application must be submitted online through Invitalia's new Personal Area. Accessing it is very simple. Just do it through SPID, electronic identity card (CIE) or national services card (CNS), select the incentive "Electric charging columns" and fill out the application in all its parts. Refinement requires having an active certified electronic mail (CEM) address.  

Otherwise, if the application is made for the purchase and installation of charging infrastructure with a total value of 375,000 euros or more by enterprises, the application must be sent compulsorily by certified electronic mail (CEM) to CRE1@postacert.invitalia.it

The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. June 20, 2024

The benefits of the bonus

Thanks to the 2024 Electricity Column Bonus, it is possible to gain several benefits, not only in terms of cost and tax relief, but also in terms of corporate image, but especially for the environment. 

  • Reduced operating costs. Installing charging stations at the company can incentivize the use of electric vehicles, leading to long-term operating cost savings. 
  • Corporate image and social responsibility. Investing in electric charging infrastructure and electric vehicle adoption can improve corporate image and reputation and demonstrate a commitment to environmental sustainability and corporate social responsibility. 
  • Regulatory compliance. Investing in electric charging infrastructure and electric vehicle adoption can help companies comply with future regulations and avoid fines or penalties. 
  • Reducing environmental impact. Using electric vehicles and promoting the adoption of these technologies can help reduce the environmental impact of business operations. Electric vehicles produce zero local emissions during operation and help reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions. 

Bonus timing and deadlines

For both businesses and professionals, applications to access the 2024 electric column bonus have already been opened last March 15, 2024 at 12 noon, and will be possible until funds are exhausted or no later than 5 p.m. on June 20, 2024

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