Powy for Cancellieri Carburanti

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Partner Powy Logo Cancellieri Fuels

The customer

Cancellieri Carburanti is a leading fuel distribution company with a strong presence in Lazio. Their service stations are renowned for excellence in service and attention to customer needs.

Always focused on innovation and sustainability, Cancellieri Carburanti has decided to expand its offerings to include services for electric mobility, thus responding to new market trends and growing demands for more sustainable energy solutions.

The Need

Meeting the demand for charging stations

As interest and demand for electric vehicles increased, Cancellieri Carburanti recognized the need to upgrade their facilities to support this new mobility. The goal was to integrate electric charging stations at their Nepi, Viterbo and Tarquinia locations.

Such an installation would not only improve the service offered to existing customers, but also attract a new customer base eager to take advantage of modern electric car charging infrastructure. The challenge was to find a reliable partner who could provide full service, from installation to maintenance of the charging stations.

Electricity Columns Powy Service Stations
DC Electric Charging Columns For public or private outdoor or indoor parking lot

The solution

A smart and functional charging station

Powy was identified as the ideal partner for this project thanks to its agreement with Assopetroli Assoenergia, which facilitated the collaboration process. Powy offered a no-thoughts solution, managing the entire process of installing the electric columns at the Nepi, Viterbo and Tarquinia stations.

The personalized service of Powy has enabled Cancellieri Carburanti to enter the e-mobility market as a major player.

The installation of the columns represented an important expansion of the services offered by Cancellieri Carburanti, confirming the company as a pioneer in the adoption of sustainable technologies and effectively responding to the needs of an increasingly attentive clientele.

Customer testimony

Partner Powy Logo Cancellieri Fuels

"The installation of electric charging stations Powy at our CPower service stations in Nepi (S.P. Nepesina Km 3,700), Viterbo (S.P. Cimina Km 2,517) and Cancellieri Carburanti in Tarquinia (S.P. Porto Clementino Km 2,660), corresponds to an interesting expansion of the services offered, this choice has allowed us to enter as protagonists in the growing market of electric vehicles.

Powy The ideal partner, identified thanks to the agreement with Assopetroli Assoenergia, offers the possibility of being followed with a tailor-made and turnkey service."

Filippo Cancellieri Administrator - CPower

Do you want to do it too? Contact us

Do you want to do it too? Contact us today and find out how Powy can help you implement electric charging solutions tailored to your needs. Don't miss the opportunity to be a key player in the electric mobility market!

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Our part

We grow together

Get your custom solution

The world of electric offers many solutions, and we at Powy are here to help you find yours. Fill out the form to receive a personalized consultation.

With over 10 years of experience in energy and mobility, we at Powy operate as a Charging Point Operator specializing in the development and management of charging infrastructures for electric vehicles, with offices in Italy and Spain and activities throughout Europe.

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