November 08, 2023

Powy at E-CHARGE to make a difference for electric vehicle charging

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The scale up company will be present on Nov. 16 and 17 in Hall 16 - Stand F31 at Bologna Fiere with its proposal for innovative charging.

Today and tomorrow Powy, among the leading developers, owners and independent operators of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, brings its cutting-edge solutions to the stage in Bologna. The Italian scale up, born in 2018 from the idea of the two founding partners Federico Fea and Andrea Brentan, will in fact take part in E-CHARGE, a fair entirely dedicated to the charging industry, to present the peculiarity of its infrastructure, represented by the variety of available columns: from 22 kW of power for the most daily solutions to 400 kW of ultra-fast charging points.

"Time is of paramount importance for those who own or use an electric vehicle," explains Federico Fea, CEO of Powy . "Identifying areas of interest based on customers' needs and behaviors is one of our tasks: on the highway, you need to recharge your car in the shortest possible time, while if you are at the sports club or shopping mall, you can safely wait for your vehicle to recharge in the hour it is parked. So we are happy to be present at E-CHARGE to bring our wide range of services that reflect the different needs of each individual EV driver."

Currently, Powy has signed contracts for more than 1,700 charging points distributed throughout Italy, 600 of which have already been installed. The innovative network of public charging points was also developed by the company thanks to the trust and support of major international investment funds, which strongly believed in the proposal of Powy. In late 2020, the 7 million invested by the Luxembourg fund Akila Finance allowed the company to expand its team, growing to the point of opening a legal entity in Spain and signing a very important agreement with the Stellantis Group. It is in May 2023, however, that a majority stake in Powy was acquired by a fund managed by Swiss Life Asset Managers: an investment of 84 million euros that will further support growth ambitions and a new phase of expansion in Europe.

Therefore, on November 16 and 17, Powy will be present at booth F31 in Hall 16 at Bologna Fiere, where it will show the many visitors to E-CHARGE its services, goals and objectives-in short, its idea of the mobility of the future.

The full program of the event at the following link: Official E-Charge website

Bologna, November 16, 2023

About Powy

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A 100% made in Italy company based in Turin, TheF Charging is the brainchild of Andrea Brentan (former CEO of Endesa) and Federico Fea (former Business Development EMEA of FCA and Chief Innovation Officer of Endesa). As a provider of innovative electric vehicle charging services, TheF Charging's mission is to create a capillary network of charging infrastructures, making public space managers protagonists of innovation and, at the same time, freeing them from the risk associated with investment and management of facilities. The company has launched an expansion plan aimed at Europe with which it is targeting at least 2 million optioned parking spaces by 2025. Info: