August 23, 2024

The innovative service customers are looking for in your parking lot 

electric car charging stations parking lots Powy

Imagine being able to increase earnings from parking fees, extend customers' average dwell time, and attract more visitors through a competitive advantage. Parking lots with electric vehicle charging stations are emerging as true hubs for electric car owners, revolutionizing the concept of parking. 

Statistics show that parking facilities that have introduced charging stations have experienced a 20 percent increase in the number of visitors*. This is not just a statistic; it implies more customers, a longer stay, and, as a result, an increase in average spend. Charging an electric vehicle takes longer than traditional refueling, creating an opportunity for parking managers. While customers are recharging, they have the opportunity to explore nearby stores, cafes, and other businesses, thus contributing to revenue for the entire area. 

In addition, as an owner, you can earn a percentage from charging fees, generating an additional revenue stream. Integrating charging stations is not only a business strategy, but also a step toward a sustainable future. Customers are actively seeking parking lots that offer these solutions, and operators who adapt to this demand can benefit from a steady influx of visitors. 

In a world increasingly focused on sustainability, electric cars are becoming a common choice among consumers. It is no longer a niche market: by 2030, electric vehicles are expected to account for two-thirds of new global registrations**. In Italy, as of June 2024, the number of electric cars on the road exceeded 250,000 units***. 

What does this mean for you, managing parking lots? 

This is a unique opportunity to increase your profits and position yourself as a key player in the mobility of the future, at no upfront cost. 

The offer of Powy 

Powy is a leading electric mobility company specializing in the installation and management of electric vehicle charging stations. With Powy, ,your parking area can offer state-of-the-art service, attracting more customers and increasing your revenue. Here's how: 

  • Zero cost: Powy takes care of the investment in charging infrastructure, operation and maintenance of the service. You will not incur any initial or recurring costs. 
  • Maximum profits: Attract new customers by offering an innovative service that sets you apart from the competition. Generate new revenue by selling electricity to electric vehicle owners. You could double your service area's revenues! 
  • Competitive Advantage: Become a one-stop shop for electric vehicle owners, offering an exclusive service that will set you apart from the competition. 
  • Enhance your business: Increase the value of your facility and prepare for the future of mobility by becoming a key partner in the transition to a more sustainable world. 

Powy offers more 

Not just charging stations. Powy offers a complete ecosystem of state-of-the-art solutions to meet your every need: 

  • 100% Renewable Energy: A real commitment to sustainability for a greener future, for you and the planet. 
  • Cutting-edge technology: Fast and efficient charging, guaranteed reliability and security, scalable and customized solutions to fit your growing needs over time. 
  • Ease of use: A dedicated app to give your customers an excellent experience, with real-time information on charging times and costs. 
  • Comprehensive support: A team of experts at your side every step of the way, from installation to operation and maintenance. 

Don't miss this opportunity 

Double your revenues, gain a competitive edge and become a key player in the future of mobility, without any upfront investment. Contact us today to receive a free consultation and find out how Powy charging stations can transform your business. 


  • *Internal data processing