July 09, 2024

How to plan an electric car trip

How to plan an electric car trip and what stops to make at Charging Stations Powy


  • How much does it cost to recharge an electric car
  • Planning an electric car trip, consider distance and stops
  • Autonomy of electric cars
  • Charging methods

With the spread of electric cars , the topic of trip planning has become an increasingly popular topic.

Although the charging network for electric cars, in Italy and Europe, is becoming more and more widespread, to avoid unforeseen events, especially on long trips, it is a good idea to plan the stages of your itinerary effectively through careful route planning, paying attention to the locations of charging points and total costs. 

To date, the charging network Powy has hundreds of recharging points, between Italy and Spain, installed mainly in strategic areas, such as shopping and retail centers, hospitality facilities and public and private parking lots.

How much does it cost to recharge an electric car?

Charging costs can vary widely depending on the type of charging point and energy provider. Before setting off, it is essential to assess the costs of charging along your route and try to plan stops at charging points with affordable rates. 

Charging rates for electric cars vary from country to country. For example, according to data reported by Motus-e, in Italy the average home charging rate is €0.30 per kWh. While, according to Motor EL PAÍS, in Spain the cost for a home charge can range from €0.04 to €0.25 per kWh. Public charging points, on the other hand, may charge higher rates, occurs especially when it comes to fast charging stations, while some charging points offer reduced rates for subscriber customers or free charging.

Planning a trip by electric car requires a few more arrangements than a trip by traditional fuel car, but with the proper organization one can enjoy a smooth trip.

Planning an electric car trip, consider distance and stops

When planning an electric car trip, it is important to carefully plan stops at charging stations along the way. You need to divide the trip into reasonable stages, taking into account the range of your vehicle and the frequency of charging points along the way. 

In addition, if you plan to stay overnight during your trip, it is advantageous to plan for overnight charging at the facility. In the hospitality industry, we at Powy, offer state-of-the-art, customized charging solutions to enhance the guest experience.

Charging at night can be more convenient than charging during the day at public charging points, and also allows you to leave with a fully charged battery the next morning.

If there is a need to quickly recharge the electric car while traveling, it is necessary to go to charging points with fast charging options that recharge the car in minutes rather than hours. However, as anticipated earlier, fast charging can be more expensive than standard charging, so it is essential to carefully consider the available options.

Autonomy of electric cars

It should be considered that usually electric cars achieve between 300 and 600 km range, similarly to most fuel cars that operate in the range of 500-600 km. The variation in range is affected by battery size, temperature and outdoor conditions.

Studies in Norway estimate that low temperatures can reduce the range of electric cars by up to 18.5 percent as the battery uses energy for heating. On the flip side, in hot conditions, air conditioning use can subtract 17% of total range.

However, there is still plenty of range left to reach one's destination, and it is possible to mitigate the loss of range with a few tricks. For example, opt for indoor parking to protect the battery from the cold, or preheat the car while it is connected to the power supply to conserve energy.

Charging methods

In the age of electric mobility, the variety of charging methods is crucial to meet the diverse needs of users. Charging infrastructure, ranging from home charging stations to ultra-rapid stations, is the mainstay of this transition.

Powy has been installing and managing charging infrastructure for different players for years, offering advanced solutions for public administrations, large-scale retail trade, hospitality, parking lots, corporate fleets and more.

Charging infrastructure differs in power and charging speed:

  • "Slow" charging up to 7.4 kW: Ideal for long-stay parking lots and residential areas, it offers slow but steady charging, especially suitable for overnight stops.
  • "Quick" charging up to 22 kW: Perfect for hotels and shopping malls, it allows faster charging during medium-duration stops.
  • "Fast" charging up to 100 kW: Suitable for highway gas stations, corporate fleets and beyond. Significantly reduces charging time.
  • "Super-fast" recharging up to 150 kW: Ideal for high-traffic transport nodes, allowing very fast recharging.
  • "Ultra-fast" charging over 150 kW: Top of the line fast charging, minimizes waiting time, perfect for long trips and high traffic areas.

To ensure maximum efficiency, Powy relies on excellent infrastructure with standardized connectors:

  • Type 2 (Mennekes): for AC charging up to 22 kW, the most common connector in Europe.
  • CHAdeMO: for fast DC charging up to 100 kW, commonly used by Asian-made vehicles.
  • CCS (Combined Charging System): supports both AC and DC charging, including the "Ultra-fast" option above 150 kW, and is emerging as the main standard in the future.

To facilitate the process of charging electric vehicles, several practical and innovative methods are available. Our charging stations Powy can be located and used by users, easily and efficiently, through most charging apps on the market.

There is also a quick and convenient alternative to start recharging without the need to download a mobile app: the RFID card; similarly, Powy and other operators offer the option of direct payment through QR code. It allows recharging without downloading apps or registering for a service: simply scan the QR code next to the desired outlet and enter the payment method details to immediately start recharging. These diverse methods ensure that each user can find the option that best suits their needs and preferences.


In conclusion, the rise of electric cars represents a significant step toward a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. These vehicles embody innovation in transportation design and technology, but may need a judicious approach to planning longer trips, with particular attention to the location of charging points and associated costs.

At Powy , we are committed to making this future more accessible by offering an extensive network of strategically placed charging stations to make life easier for electric motorists. Whether shopping for groceries, staying at a hotel, or simply parking in the city, Powy ensures that vehicle charging is always within reach.

Charging costs vary depending on location and type of station, but with proper planning, you can optimize your expenses and enjoy a smooth trip. The range of electric cars, along with the increasing efficiency of batteries, ensures that your destination is always reachable.

The era of electric mobility has arrived, and with companies like Powy leading the charging industry, the future of mobility promises to be exciting, efficient and, most importantly, sustainable.