August 06, 2024

How charging an electric car works

App Powy: find electric vehicle charging station


  • Economic and environmental benefits of electric car charging
  • The charging modes
  • The components of an electric car charging infrastructure.
  • How charging works
  • Final considerations

Economic and environmental benefits of electric car charging

Recharging electric cars offers numerous economic as well as environmental advantages. Economically, charging costs are-usually-lower than traditional fuel costs. This is because electricity is, barring special market contingencies, less expensive than gasoline or diesel.

In addition, electric cars require less maintenance because they have fewer moving parts than internal combustion vehicles. For example, they do not require oil changes, and brakes tend to last longer because of the regenerative braking system.

Environmentally, electric cars help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. By using renewable energy for charging-as Powy does-the environmental impact can be further reduced.

This helps to improve air quality in cities and combat climate change. In addition, the spread of electric cars can reduce dependence on fossil fuels, promoting greater energy security.

The charging modes

There are different charging modes for electric cars, which vary according to speed and power output:

  • Slow charging ("Slow"): Up to 7.4 kW. Uses a standard household outlet (230V) and can take up to 12-18 hours for a full charge, depending on the car. It is suitable for home use and for those who have the ability to leave the car charging overnight. This mode is ideal for those who drive short daily distances and can recharge the car during the night hours.
  • Quick charging ("Quick"): Up to 22 kW. It uses a dedicated outlet (230V, 16-32A) and can recharge a car in 4-8 hours. It is ideal for advanced home installations, corporate parking lots and public facilities. This mode is faster than slow charging and can be used during the day, such as while at work or shopping.
  • Fast charging ("Fast"): Up to 100 kW. It uses direct current (DC) and can recharge a car up to 80% in 20-30 minutes. It is suitable for public charging stations along highways and in high-density urban areas. This mode is especially useful for long trips where the car needs to be recharged quickly to continue the journey.
  • Super-fast charging ("Super-fast"): Up to 150 kW. This mode allows the car to be recharged even faster, making it ideal for high-capacity charging stations located in strategic locations such as highways and large urban centers.
  • Ultra-fast charging ("Ultra-fast"): Over 150 kW. This is the fastest charging mode available, capable of charging a car in a few minutes. It is mainly used at advanced charging stations and in areas with high demand for fast charging.

The components of an electric car charging infrastructure.

An electric car charging infrastructure consists of several key components:

  • Charging station: This is the physical point where the car is plugged in for charging. Stations can range from simple power outlets to advanced stations equipped with features such as remote monitoring, integrated payment systems, and interactive user displays. The choice of station type depends on the location, which can be in private homes, public parking lots, shopping malls, or gas stations.
  • Cables and connectors: Essential for transferring power from the charging station to the car, charging cables and connectors follow specific standards such as Type 1, Type 2, CHAdeMO, and CCS. Each standard has its own characteristics and is used in different regions of the world. For example, the Type 2 connector is widely adopted in Europe, while CHAdeMO is common in Japan. Choosing the right connector is crucial to ensure compatibility and safety during charging.
  • Energy Management System (EMS): This system manages energy distribution and optimizes the use of available resources. The EMS regulates the charging of electric cars based on the capacity of the local power grid, preventing overloads and maximizing efficiency. It can integrate renewable energy sources such as solar panels and wind turbines, contributing to a more sustainable system.
  • Management software: Software platforms that monitor and manage charging stations, providing real-time data on usage, availability, and maintenance status. These software also support advanced features such as booking charging stations, electronic payment via mobile apps or credit cards, and data analysis to optimize station operations and improve user experience.
  • Advanced technologies: Some stations may include advanced cooling systems, enhanced security, integrated solar panels, and battery backup systems to improve the efficiency, safety, and sustainability of the charging process.

How charging works

Charging an electric car takes place through the transfer of electricity from the charging station to the car battery. This process can be divided into several stages:

  • Connection: The car is connected to the charging station using an appropriate cable and connector. Once connected, the charging station communicates with the car to check that everything is in order and that charging can begin safely.
  • Start of charging: Once the connection is established, the charging station begins to transfer electricity to the car battery. During this process, the charging station and the car constantly monitor various parameters, such as battery temperature and charge level, to ensure that charging takes place safely and efficiently.
  • Charging phase: During charging, electrical energy is converted into chemical energy inside the car battery. This process occurs through electrochemical reactions that store energy in the form of lithium ions inside the battery cells. Charging speed can vary depending on the power of the charging station and the capacity of the car battery.
  • End of charging: Once the desired level of charging is reached, the charging station stops the energy transfer and the car can be disconnected. Some advanced charging stations can send notifications to the user when charging is completed, allowing the user to optimize the time of use of the charging stations.

How energy is transmitted

The transmission of power when charging an electric car is mainly through a direct connection via a cable. This process involves two main components: a charging station and the battery of the electric car. When the charging cable is connected to the car, electrical energy is transmitted from the charging station to the car battery.

Initially, the electric current supplied by the power grid is generally in the form of alternating current (AC). However, electric vehicle batteries store-usually-energy in the form of direct current (DC). Therefore, an AC-DC converter is needed to transform the alternating current into direct current. This converter can be located inside the charging station, in the case of DC fast-charging stations, or it can be built into the car, as is the case in slower AC charging.

During charging, electrical energy is converted into chemical energy inside the battery through electrochemical reactions. Lithium ions move between the positive electrode (cathode) and the negative electrode (anode) of the battery, storing energy. This storage process occurs through the interaction between the electrodes and the electrolyte, a chemical that facilitates the movement of the ions.

When the car is in use, the stored chemical energy is converted back into electricity to power the motor. This is done through the battery discharge process, where the lithium ions return to the opposite electrode, generating an electric current that can be used by the electric motor to move the car.

To ensure efficient and safe charging, modern charging systems are equipped with various energy management and control devices. These include charge monitoring software, cooling systems to prevent batteries from overheating, and safety protocols to prevent overcharging and short circuits. In addition, charging infrastructure can be equipped with smart features, such as the ability to schedule charging during hours of low energy demand, thus contributing to more efficient management of the electricity grid.

Final considerations

Electric car charging is a crucial element in the spread of sustainable mobility. Understanding how it works and what the benefits are can help promote the adoption of electric vehicles. As technology advances and charging infrastructure expands, the future of electric mobility looks increasingly promising. Companies such as Powy, which install and operate charging infrastructure, play a key role

In conclusion, electric car charging is a key pillar for sustainable mobility, offering significant economic and environmental benefits. As technologies advance and charging infrastructure expands, the future of electric mobility looks increasingly promising.

Companies such as Powy play a crucial role in this scenario, installing and managing charging infrastructure for municipalities, accommodations, shopping malls, parking lots and beyond. Powy not only offers free installation of charging stations, but also shares a percentage of the earnings, making the adoption of electric cars even more affordable and accessible.

Thanks to increasingly aware companies, governments, and motorists, we can look forward to a greener, more sustainable future in which electric mobility will become the norm, contributing to a cleaner environment and greater energy security.