July 03, 2024

How to install a charging station: a guide by Powy

DC Electric Charging Columns For public or private outdoor or indoor parking lot

Table of Contents

  • Why install an electric vehicle charging station 
  • How to install an electric vehicle charging station with Powy
  • The benefits of electric vehicle charging stations Powy

The installation of an electric vehicle charging station is a key step toward sustainability and innovation. Consequently, as the number of electric vehicles on the roads increases, the demand for charging infrastructure is also growing rapidly and steadily.

If you are considering installing a charging station, the guide signed Powy, will provide you with all the information you need to proceed effectively, safely and without complications. 

Why install an electric vehicle charging station?

Installing electric vehicle charging stations is undoubtedly a smart choice that offers numerous benefits, not only for facility owners but also for end users.

In addition to fostering the development of an ecological and sustainable transition, the benefits of installing a charging station include:

  1. Response to growing demand. With the increase in electric vehicles, the demand for charging points continues to grow. Having a charging station will allow you to attract more visitors and customers, thereby increasing traffic to your facility.
  2. Environmental sustainability. Installing charging stations sustainably supports the transition to a greener future by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting the use of renewable energy that does not harm nature and the environment around us.[source]
  3. Economic benefits. In addition to attracting more customers and users, a charging station allows you to generate additional revenue. It also improves property value, image, and corporate reputation; in some cases, it is also possible to benefit from government incentives and tax breaks.
  4. Improved corporate image. Demonstrating a commitment to sustainability can improve the image of your company, facility or public entity by attracting customers and partners who share the same environmental values, forging profitable and rewarding relationships for the growth and development of your business.

How to install an electric vehicle charging station with Powy

The process of installing a Powy charging station is simple and uncomplicated, thanks to our no-nonsense approach:

  1. Initial contact. Start by contacting us for a preliminary consultation. It's as simple as clicking here and submitting your application. We will discuss your specific needs together and provide an overview of the solutions available and best suited for you.
  2. Assessment. A team of experts Powy will evaluate the feasibility of the project and, if necessary, perform a site survey to assess site specifications and determine the best charging solution.
  3. Customized Proposal. You will receive a detailed, customized proposal, including charging solutions specific to your needs.
  4. Authorizations and permits. If successful, Powy will arrange for you to apply for all necessary permits, ensuring maximum compliance with current regulations.
  5. Installation and Commissioning. We then proceed with the installation of the chosen charging stations, minimizing disruptions to your facility's daily operations, and once installed, the columns will be immediately operational and ready for use.
  6. Ongoing support. We offer a dedicated account manager as well as 24/7 maintenance and service, ensuring that charging stations are always running at their best.

The benefits of electric vehicle charging stations Powy

Charging stations Powy offer numerous benefits and advantages, providing reliable, high-performance, high-quality service.

  1. No upfront costs. The installation and management of charging stations are completely at no cost to the customer. Powy takes care of all the initial investment, making implementation smooth, convenient and worry-free.
  2. Universal compatibility. Our electric vehicle charging stations are integrated with a wide range of electric mobility apps, making it easy to pay for and access charging services, as well as to find the nearest stations.
  3. 100% Renewable Energy. The energy delivered by the Powy charging stations comes entirely from 100% renewable sources, contributing to environmental sustainability and respect for the nature around us
  4. Customized solutions. We offer flexible solutions for different needs, whether for public administrations, shopping malls, hotels, hospitality facilities, parking lots or corporate fleets.
  5. Added value. It increases the attractiveness of your facility, generates additional revenue and enhances your corporate image by demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and care for the planet.


Installing an electric vehicle charging station Powy is a strategic step toward a more sustainable, technologically advanced, state-of-the-art future. With a simple installation process, no upfront costs, and numerous benefits for your facility, Powy is the ideal partner to guide you through the transition to electric mobility. Contact us today to find out about our solutions and how we can help you realize this important project.

Charge the change.