EVolution Tips

26 agosto 2024 -   EVolution Tips News

Corporate fleets: the sustainable approach of Powy for your business

Nell’attuale scenario globale, orientato verso la sostenibilità, le imprese sono chiamate a ridurre il proprio impatto ambientale e a promuovere strategie che puntino a una limitazione delle emissioni. In risposta a queste sfide, molte aziende stanno cercando soluzioni innovative per migliorare le loro operazioni. Le flotte aziendali, composte da veicoli utilizzati per una vasta gamma […]

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How to pay for electric charging Powy in Porta Susa Turin
August 23, 2024 - EVolution Tips News

The innovative service customers are looking for in your parking lot 

Imagine being able to increase earnings from parking fees, extend average customer dwell time, and attract more visitors through competitive advantage. Parking lots with electric vehicle charging stations are emerging as true hubs for electric car owners, revolutionizing the concept [...]

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electric car charging stations parking lots Powy
August 22, 2024 - EVolution Tips News

Electric drivers choose your service area: find out why

Electric vehicle charging stations at service areas are becoming a must for electric car drivers. If you install them, you will not only attract more customers, but also retain those who have already opted for electric, and avoid losing them to competitors. In addition, you will see an increase in dwell time and average spend [...]

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Electricity Columns Powy Service Stations
August 9, 2024 - EVolution Tips News

Powy Electric Tour: 10 attractions in Spain where you can recharge your batteries

If you are traveling in Spain with an electric car and want to optimize your itinerary while spending your time in the best possible way, this guide from Powy will suggest interesting and useful stops, letting you discover places of interest, and helping you plan charging stops that are effective and enjoyable. The itinerary Powy for charging electric cars [...]

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Where to recharge your electric car in Spain
August 6, 2024 - EVolution Tips News

How charging an electric car works

Table of Contents Economic and Environmental Benefits of Electric Car Charging Electric car charging offers a number of both economic and environmental benefits. From the economic point of view, charging costs are--generally--lower than traditional fuel costs. This is due to the fact that electricity is, barring special market contingencies, [...]

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App Powy: find electric vehicle charging station
August 2, 2024 - EVolution Tips News

Myths to dispel about electric cars

Table of Contents The adoption of electric vehicles is a key step toward a more sustainable and efficient mobility future. However, numerous myths and misconceptions still persist that hold back the uptake of this technology, hindering informed choice by many potential buyers. In this article, we at Powy, a leader in the electric mobility industry [...]

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Myths to dispel about electric cars
July 26, 2024 - EVolution Tips News

How to increase the profitability of your parking lot by installing electric car charging stations

Table of Contents The growing interest in electric mobility has caused a boost in investment in the installation of electric car charging posts and stations, including in parking lots. In addition to the considerable positive impact on the environment, charging stations also represent an additional revenue opportunity for operators of such locations, offering a high-value service [...]

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Car charging stations Powy for public administrations, municipalities, ministries, associations
July 24, 2024 - EVolution Tips News

Public charging stations: where to find them and how to use them

Table of Contents Public charging stations for electric cars are becoming an essential part of urban and intercity infrastructure. With the rise in popularity of electric cars-and the number of sales growing month after month, across Europe-the availability and accessibility of efficient charging stations have become crucial to support the [...]

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Electric Car Fleets Proposal Powy
July 17, 2024 - EVolution Tips News

The 10 things to know before buying an electric car

Table of Contents Opting for an electric car marks a key step toward a more sustainable future. However, before making the purchase of an electric vehicle, it is essential to carefully consider several aspects to ensure that this choice is the right one for you. We at Powy have created a guide with 10 key points to consider before buying [...]

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CPO Powy electric car columns
July 9, 2024 - EVolution Tips News

How to plan an electric car trip

Table of Contents With the spread of electric cars, the topic of trip planning has become an increasingly discussed topic. Despite the fact that the charging network for electric cars, in Italy and Europe, is becoming more and more widespread, in order to avoid unforeseen events, especially on long trips, it is a good idea to plan the stages of one's itinerary in [...]

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How to plan an electric car trip and what stops to make at Charging Stations Powy