August 13, 2024

Plan Moves III: incentives for sustainable mobility in Spain.

Sustainable Mobility in Spain with Powy and Moves III

Plan Moves III is a key initiative of the Spanish government to boost sustainable mobility. Launched as part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, the program offers subsidies for the purchase of electric vehicles and the installation of charging infrastructure. Key objectives include:

  • Increasing the number of electric vehicles
  • Developing charging infrastructure
  • Promoting sustainable mobility in companies and public agencies

The plan aims to contribute to the goals of the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (NIPEC), which calls for 5.5 million electric vehicles in Spain by 2030.

Powy, one of the leading companies in the electric vehicle charging infrastructure sector in Spain and Italy, has been operating in the Iberian Peninsula for some time, installing and managing charging stations in various public access parking areas-such as shopping centers, accommodation facilities, sports centers and beyond-as well as in the field of fleet electrification.

Details of Plan Moves III incentives

The program provides two types of aid:

  • Purchase of electric vehicles:
    • Eligible vehicles: plug-in hybrids (PHEVs), extended range electric vehicles (EREVs), battery electric vehicles (BEVs), and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs and FCHVs)
    • Beneficiaries: individuals, self-employed, community of owners, businesses and public agencies
    • Amounts: 1,100 to 7,000 euros (or 1,300 to 9,000 euros with scrapping of a vehicle over 7 years old)
  • Installation of charging infrastructure:
    • Up to 70% of the cost for individuals (80% in municipalities with a population of less than 5,000)
    • Up to 35% for companies (40% in municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants)

The total program budget has been increased to 1,550 million, with 1,107.7 million already transferred to the autonomous communities as of June 28, 2024. Full information is available here.

The Powy charging network in Spain

Charging stations Powy deliver 100% renewable energy and are often located near commercial and recreational activities. In Spain, many of these columns are located near the many hotels, restaurants, shopping centers, and gas stations.

This strategic positioning not only facilitates access to charging for electric vehicle owners, but also stimulates economic activity in the surrounding areas by ensuring that people can charge their electric vehicles at all times and occasions.

Click here to learn about our charging network and here if you would like more information on how to install a charging station in your parking area.

How many charging stations are there in Spain?

In the second quarter of this year, 20 public charging infrastructures per day were installed in Spain, totaling 1,905 charging points, with a monthly average of 635 new points, exceeding the 600 monthly points in the first quarter.

By mid-2024, the public charging infrastructure had reached 34,105, as reported by the Aedive Association . From July 2023 to June 2024, 9,000 points have been installed, with 68 percent at 22 kW or higher, and 34 percent high-power.

Points from 50 to 250 kW grew by 10%, 22 kW points by 9%, and ultrafast (over 250 kW) by 8%. Growth of high-power points in inter-urban areas and 22 kW in urban areas can be seen.

[data as of June 2024, source Aedive]

Which regions have installed the most charging stations?

Catalonia is the region with the most charging points (6,736), followed by Madrid (4,487) and Andalusia (4,099). These regions also recorded the largest increases: 19.8 percent in Catalonia, 13.2 percent in Madrid and 12 percent in Andalusia.

The regions with the least points are Ceuta and Melilla (80), La Rioja (337), Cantabria (549) and Navarre (739), with increases between 0.2 percent and 2.2 percent.

[June 2024 data, source Aedive].


The launch of Plan Moves III and the participation of individuals and companies is a strong incentive for Spanish sustainable mobility. With an expanding network of charging stations and increased awareness of the benefits of electric vehicles, Spain is moving ever closer to a sustainable, low-emission future.