July 30, 2024

Hotels and sustainability: the benefits of hosting charging stations

Hotels and sustainability: the benefits of hosting charging stations Powy


  • Introduction
  • The evolution of hotel technologies in hospitality
  • Make electric car charging available in your hotel
  • Why host electric columns in hotels
  • The future is now: the case of the first 100% green hotel
  • Conclusions

Introduction: innovation and sustainability for hotels

The growing interest in sustainability is transforming a great many sectors, including the hospitality industry. In the context of possible new ways of engaging hospitality facilities, sustainability is becoming a buzzword, and in this context, the installation of electric car charging stations in hotels and related facilities is a virtuous and profitable service that cannot be overlooked.

More and more guests are paying more attention to sustainability than ever before, and this assumption is the basis for the evolution from the traditional lodging establishment to the green hotel, or the energy-positive hotel that respects the environment. An energy-positive hotel produces more energy than it uses and gives back excess energy to benefit the local community.

In all likelihood, the future will be electric vehicle-dominated, which is why promoting electric and sustainable mobility is also so important for those with accommodations. The installation of electric charging stations also becomes a competitive factor for all owners or users of electric cars who travel for work or leisure.

Trending technological developments in the hotel industry not only make a green hotel more sustainable, but can also provide a huge public relations boost, helping to offset some of the negative effects that tourism can sometimes bring.

In this article, we at Powy tell our vision ofhospitality industry innovation and our contribution as an active driver of change.

The evolution of hotel technologies in hospitality

Hotel technology is becoming increasingly important in meeting the growing expectations from guests, who are looking for personalized and increasingly sustainable experiences... The goal of hospitality entrepreneurs and operators is to compete with competitive advantages and improve overall profitability, as revealed in the report Hospitality Market overview 2024-208 by Report Linker.

Hotels, therefore, must leverage the resources and systems at their disposal if they hope to retain customers or attract steady streams of new guests. In this context, hotel technology plays a significant role, and its presence is sure to increase in the coming years. Let us now take a look at the reasons why it is essential to consider installing electric charging stations in hotels.

Powy as an expert in the hotel industry is a firm believer that integrating sustainable technologies such as charging stations is no longer an option but a necessity. Today's travelers are not just looking for a place to sleep; they are looking for an experience that reflects their values. Adopting this technology positions the hotel as an environmentally friendly choice and contributes to its image and reputation.

Provide charging for electric cars in your hotel

The future of sustainable mobility lies in the adoption of electric cars: the number of electric and hybrid vehicles is steadily increasing, especially in the Nordic countries. In Norway, 50 percent of cars are already electric, which has helped reduce the country's greenhouse gas emissions by more than 30 percent since 2009.

By 2030, more than3 million electric cars are also expected to be on the road in Europe. Currently, there are more than 250,000 electric cars (BEVs) on the road in Italy, while Spain has about 150,000.

This trend toward more sustainable mobility is an opportunity for hotels: hosting a state-of-the-art charging infrastructure will enable them to meet the demand of today's electric drivers, making them ready when the future is electric-dominated across the continent.

Why host electric car columns in hotels

In today's landscape, attention to sustainability has become a key factor in the success of any business, and the hotel industry is no exception. Offering guests the opportunity to recharge their electric vehicles during their stay is not only a valued service, but also contributes to:

  1. Strengthen the hotel's image as a modern, environmentally conscious facility: Commitment to sustainability is increasingly sought after by customers, who appreciate companies that demonstrate care for their environmental impact. Offering electric car charging stations demonstrates the hotel's concrete commitment to a greener future and helps enhance its reputation.
  2. Expanding customer base and building loyalty among eco-conscious travelers: More and more tourists are choosing accommodations equipped with electric car charging stations. This service represents an added value that can influence hotel choice and build loyalty among customers who value sustainable mobility.
  3. Increasing guest comfort and satisfaction: Being able to conveniently recharge your electric vehicle during your stay is a valued service that enhances the overall guest experience and increases guest satisfaction.
  4. Differentiate from the competition: In an increasingly competitive market, offering innovative services such as electric car charging stations can be a distinctive element that allows the hotel to differentiate itself from competitors and attract new customers.
  5. Contributing to a more sustainable future: Promoting electric mobility means making a concrete contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change. The installation of electric car charging stations in hotels is an important step in this direction.

In addition to the above benefits, it is important to note that installing electric car charging stations in hotels can also:

  • Increase property value: The presence of charging stations can increase the commercial value of the hotel, especially in view of a future in which electric mobility will be increasingly widespread.
  • Reduce energy costs: Electric car charging stations can be integrated with renewable energy generation systems, such as solar panels, to reduce the hotel's energy costs.
  • Attracting investment and partnerships: The availability of electric car charging stations can attract investment from companies in the industry and foster partnerships with local governments and environmental organizations.

The future is now: the first 100% green hotel 

Six Sensis Svart is the first hotel created for eco-conscious tourism, destined to become a catalyst for the entire industry. Operational since 2024 in one of the most environmentally sensitive regions in the world, this project goes beyond just a tourist destination. Six Senses Svart has the potential to revolutionize the Hotellerie industry, redefining the very idea of travel through innovation, technological expertise, carbon neutrality and revolutionary design.

Designed by Norwegian architects Snøhetta in collaboration with their partners, Svart is a smart, sustainable building that offers exceptional and virtuous experiences. It meets the highest standards of energy efficiency in the Northern Hemisphere, aiming to meet the environmental standards of theParis Agreement for climate neutrality.

Svart marks a turning point on several levels, demonstrating to hospitality industry players that carbon neutrality is not only achievable, but also profitable. It offers customers a new understanding of travel: a virtuous, enriching and memorable adventure.

Hotels and sustainability: the benefits of hosting charging stations

Six Sensis Svart Hotel


Integrating charging stations in hotels is not only a proactive strategy toward sustainability, but represents a concrete commitment to a better and responsibly innovative future. These solutions enrich the customer experience and position hotels as pioneers of more environmentally friendly and technologically advanced tourism.

Powy continually strives to support industry players, hospitality managers and hotel entrepreneurs by providing electric vehicle charging infrastructure at no cost to the partner. Powy also offers a percentage of the earnings to the host property, creating a profitable and sustainable opportunity for all.

Learn more about how Powy can turn your hotel into an example of innovation and sustainability. Visit our page for more details and read testimonials from our satisfied customers.

Powy: Charge the Change