EVolution news

August 13, 2024 - EVolution news News

Plan Moves III: incentives for sustainable mobility in Spain.

Plan Moves III is a key initiative of the Spanish government to boost sustainable mobility. Launched as part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, the program offers subsidies for the purchase of electric vehicles and the installation of charging infrastructure. Key objectives include: The plan aims to contribute to the goals of the National Integrated Plan [...]

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Sustainable Mobility in Spain with Powy and Moves III
July 30, 2024 - EVolution news News

Hotels and sustainability: the benefits of hosting charging stations

Table of Contents Introduction: innovation and sustainability for hotels The growing interest in sustainability is transforming a great many sectors, including the hospitality industry. As part of possible new methods of engagement for hospitality facilities, sustainability is becoming a buzzword, and in this context, the installation of electric car charging stations in hotels and in [...]

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Hotels and sustainability: the benefits of hosting charging stations Powy
July 19, 2024 - EVolution news News

Five technologies that will change electric mobility

Table of Contents Electric mobility is rapidly evolving, transforming the way the entire world of transportation. With innovation constantly advancing, several emerging technologies promise to further revolutionize the industry. In recent years, increased environmental awareness, stricter government regulations and rapid technological advances have accelerated the adoption of electric cars. However, while the [...]

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The five technologies that will change electric mobility
July 13, 2024 - EVolution news News

10 trends shaping electric mobility in 2024

Table of Contents In a context where awareness of the impact of one's actions on the environment has increased, issues such as electric mobility become increasingly relevant. Adopting electric vehicles does not just mean replacing gasoline-powered cars; rather, it means changing our relationship with transportation in a way that makes cities more sustainable with more infrastructure [...]

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Trends shaping electric mobility in 2024
June 28, 2024 - EVolution news News

Electric car charging stations: the future of mobility in shopping malls

Table of Contents: With the rise of electric mobility, shopping malls are becoming crucial nodes for the installation of electric car charging stations. Companies like Powy are leading this transformation, partnering with malls and retail outlets to offer easily accessible, state-of-the-art charging stations. These columns, strategically placed in parking lots and near [...]

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Electric vehicle charging station: shopping malls and hotels
June 13, 2024 - EVolution news News

What is the column bonus and how to apply for it  

Table of Contents: In the context of a constant and growing environmental awareness and the need to strongly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the transition to electric mobility is gaining more and more importance day by day. At this rate, a crucial tool for boosting the adoption of electric vehicles is bonuses for the installation of charging stations [...]

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CPO Powy electric car columns
June 3, 2024 - EVolution news News

Ecobonus 2024: new incentives for electric cars kick off

After months of waiting and preparations, the Ecobonus Decree has finally been published in the Official Gazette. The booking platform managed by Mimit (Ministry for Business and Made in Italy) has been operational since 10 a.m. today, Monday, June 3, 2024. As of this date, it will in fact be possible to access the forms [...]

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Powy Incentives for electric cars