Charging infrastructure for public and private parking lots

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Boost your business with parking lot charging stations from Powy

Attract a wide range of customers by offering them a highly efficient charging service directly at your facility.

Powy is here to support you in implementing the latest generation of electric car charging stations designed to meet the needs of modern electric vehicles.

Thanks to our state-of-the-art technology, you can offer added value to your customers at no cost to you. We will invest in the charging infrastructure, delivery, operation and maintenance of the service, for the duration of the partnership.

Rapid electric car charging station Powy Parking electric charging stations in shopping malls
Ac Electric Charging Columns For Covered Parking 2

Customized solutions for your needs: parking lot charging stations

We understand that each facility is unique, which is why we offer fully customized no-cost charging solutions .Customer support for charging services is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

With Powy by your side, you can count on a reliable partner to enhance your customers' experience and maximize your facility's revenues. And remember: the energy used is 100% from renewable sources.

Boost your revenue with Powy: hosts electric car charging stations for parking lots

Don't just offer standard parking: differentiate your facility and maximize revenues with Powy.

Actively participate in the profits from providing charging services, turning your parking lot into a profitable business opportunity.

With our proven track record and extensive network of electric car charging stations in public and private parking lots, you can count on us to efficiently and reliably manage your installations.

Pay for electric charging with App Powy

What the partners who chose us say

Partners Powy Apsa Logo Alrisparmio

"APSA chose Powy for the installation of electric columns at our gas station.

We particularly appreciated their efforts to ensure integration with our pre-existing payment system.

This has allowed customers to continue to use traditional payment methods, along with the fuel card, even to pay for charging electric vehicles. This has been essential for us to facilitate customer loyalty."

Emanuel Baldo Commercial Director - APSA - At Saving
Partner Powy Logo Cancellieri Fuels

"The installation of electric charging stations Powy at our CPower service stations in Nepi (S.P. Nepesina Km 3,700), Viterbo (S.P. Cimina Km 2,517) and Cancellieri Carburanti in Tarquinia (S.P. Porto Clementino Km 2,660), corresponds to an interesting expansion of the services offered, this choice has allowed us to enter as protagonists in the growing market of electric vehicles.

Powy The ideal partner, identified thanks to the agreement with Assopetroli Assoenergia, offers the possibility of being followed with a tailor-made and turnkey service."

Filippo Cancellieri Administrator - CPower

We work with

Powy for Cancellieri Carburanti

Cancellieri Carburanti, a leading fuel company in Lazio, has chosen Powy to install electric charging stations at its stations.

This collaboration has enabled the company to respond to the growing demand for sustainable mobility solutions. 

Electric car charging infrastructure Powy for public and private parking lots

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions 

This section is designed for you who are looking for clear and concise information about our electric vehicle charging service. Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions we receive about the installation, management and use of our electric car charging stations for public and private parking lots. 

What charging solutions can Powy install in parking lots? 

What will the column look like?

What are the costs to the parking operator? 

How are authorizations handled?

What benefits do you offer to parking managers?

Get your custom solution

The world of electric offers many solutions, and we at Powy are here to help you find yours. Fill out the form to receive a personalized consultation.

With more than 10 years of experience in energy and mobility, we at Powy operate as a Charging Point Operator specializing in the development and management of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, with offices in Italy and Spain and operations throughout Europe.

Contact us